Lo' Ho' "Learning To Be OK"
"I'm finding peace deep within me and my firecrotch"
'Friends' of skank-bag loser, Lindsay Lohan have reported to Celeb TV that the Lo' Ho's first week in rehab has been good.
"She's learning to be OK with herself", said one hanger on.
"And she's at peace with her surroundings," they concluded.
Rehab can be a great tonic to any addict in total meltdown, but it's putting what you learn into practice when you leave Linds.
We at The Trash Heap... wonder if Lo' Ho' will be able to go through with the radicalisation that rehab demands of addicts once back in the outside
Linds will be expected to change all of her 'friends' and turn her back on the lifestyle she once knew.
"Peace out and all that shit!"
"There are no half measures with rehab recovery. It has to be a complete turnaround," says one mental health worker to The Trash Heap...
We can't help but wonder if this complete turnaround means Lo' Ho' has to cut out her kur-ray-zee Mom, Deena Lohan too? Rumours and scandal are rife in Hollywood that Linds' mother has done nothing to help her daughter with her addictions. If anything, gossip suggests Deena's all but fuelled them, being a wild party freak herself.
Deena is more of a firecrotch than Lilo. She has bad teeth too!
Really hope she succeeds in rehab and no relapses.
Deena is the biggest hanger on of them all.
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