Posh Serves Nosh
"Doctor says I need my iron."
Seems that our favorite Euro-trash, Venereal Buttox and hen-pecked hubby, David Beckham are in talks with foul mouthed 'sleb chef, Gordon Ramsey over opening up a restaurant together. Yeh, we know! We'll come to the irony about VB and food later...
Gordy says about the venture, " We've been friends for a while and have spoken about it. There's always been something in the pipeline."
Sources report that Brand Beckham are thinking of choosing LA as their place of choice for the eatery. However, it strikes us there are several problems that pose Ms. Thang, Gordy, oh, and yeh her tag along hen-pecked husband.
- Venereal aint' a good ad. for a place to eat. You could play xylophone on her rib cage, and do you people know how difficult it is to find a pic of her actually eating something!?!
- Gordy's NYC restaurant was panned by snooty critics and to date it ain't doin' so well. What makes him think it'll be any better in LA?
- There isn't a "3" as such, but we just wanted to draw your attention to this sexeth photo of Dave. Homoerotic-cum-tastic or what!? OK, it's an old pic, but it never gets old if you see what we mean?
Reports further suggest that The Plastic Lamp Post herself has demanded Ramsey ensure 75% of the menu is vegetarian. While we're sure PETA are just scrambling to sign her up for one of their nude campaigns (*wretch*), Gordy won't take kindly to non-meat eaters. A vegetarian is every professional chef's worst nightmare. They just don't "get it".
I don't know about you, but I'd love to see Brand Beckham join forces with Ramsey, open up this restaurant and then we can all sit back and watch it die on its arse as the critics (and public) turn their nose up to it in droves. I'd also love to see pics of Venereal actually eating something from her own restaurant. It'd be an international scandal!

"I'll gut you like a malnourished fish, witch!"
That pic of Becks is so hot! I never tire of havin' a strum over it.
David is hotter than hot!
I quite fancy Gordon Ramsey over Beckham.
Ramsey is a DILF. Beckham is just a HILF (Himbo I'd Like To Fuck)
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