Thursday, May 31, 2007

Old Hag Slags Online Bloggers

"I've peaked and now life's just an never ending downward spiral."

Queen WAG and washed up pop-flop, Victoria Beckham has come out fighting against the celebrity bloggers.

VB (Venerial Buttoxs), recently expressed, "I think these people are pretty spineless, the way they hide behind pseudonames."

Er, it's "pseudonyms" you stupid bitch!

She continues, "They don't really know what's going on in anybody's lives. They're just sad people sat behind their computers."

While we can't disagree with the "sad people" bit, the rest is just stale jizz spewing from her overly collagened lips.

"Don't come too close with that flashlight. My face may melt!"

Vicky, luv, word of advice, print media is dieing. Without online celebrity bloggers you wouldn't have the fame and notoriety you so desperately cling to. If we don't talk about you, who will?

Oh, and while we're on the subject what the fuck is going on with that hair colour and those shoulder pads!? Eeeew!

Mind you, we're hardly surprised. We wrongly assumed it may take a while to get a bad pic of you, but hey, whaddaya know? We were wrong!


Anonymous said...

So glad she is no longer in UK. Tho she still gets mag space, it not as bad as when she was on about a billion covers of heat in one year. Hate this talentless witch!

Anonymous said...

What is the deal with this shoulder pads? Urhg, and that jacket colour?!!! *barf!*