Nicole Won't Visit Sick Mother!
"Look, I just don't like Hospitals, m'kay!?"
Reports are coming in that celebratard skank-bag, Nicole Richie is refusing to visit her sick Mother in Hospital.
Richie's adoptive Mother, Brenda was taken into Hospital to undergo a hysterectomy. A source reports, "Brenda was in the hospital. She had a hysterectomy and Nicole hasn't visited her since. The two have not been getting along lately."
It seems the rift between Mother and Daughter may be due to The Simple Life star's recent personal problems. Nic-hole has allegedly been seeing
"She's a maniac, Maaaaniac, on the floor!"
a therapist to help combat what seems to be her ever growing anorexia problem.
Some nutrition experts are citing recent pics of Nic out on the town, that she shows signs of stomach bloat; a common indication of malnutrition.
My personal theory is that Bren ain't sick at all. The hysterectomy is a complete red herring. She's gone into hospital and told people she's having the op, but it's all a ploy to get Nic-hole to visit. This way the Hospital can section her and treat her eatting disorder.
Seems like Nic ain't so dumb after all. Run skinny! Run!
1 comment:
She's a serious mess. Where the hell is her Dad in all of this? Doesn't he care?
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