Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Kelly To Torture Music Lovers (again!)

"Shut up, you douche bags!"

Oh shit! We're trembling in our boots. Crack open the ear plugs people, Kelly Osbourne is making yet another, er, ... "musical" comeback!

"I have more song ideas, and it won't be long", threatens 'ar Kel.

Frankly honey, you barely make the grade presenting Project Catwalk (UK). Don't believe me? Check out the website link here. The show producers haven't even replaced Liz Hurley's image with your own. That's how "good" you are , luv.

Give it up, Kel. Retire. You have the money. Just go quietly. Pleeeeeeaaaase!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is sexy as hell in that photo but agree about her presenting. TRerrible presenter AND "singer"